Sunday, May 8, 2011

Falling Skies on Twitter

Social Media seems to becoming more and more important in the world in general, having played a role in the over throw of the Egyptian government and becoming the fastest way to get news.  Social media is also becoming more important in the entertainment world.

Recently TNT had a social media boot camp with the Falling Skies team.  I have compiled for your following pleasure a list of many of those associated with Falling Skies on Twitter.  I have also compiled a Falling Skies List on my twitter account if you would like it to follow it instead of following each of these accounts individually.

Official Twitter Accounts:
Falling Skies is @FallingSkiesTNT
TNT is @tntweknowdrama
DreamWorks Studio is @DW_Studios
Super Channel is @SuperChannel
FX UK is @FXUKcom

Falling Skies Cast Members on Twitter:
Drew Roy ("Hal Mason") is @drew_roy
Seychelle Gabriel ("Lourdes") @seychellegab
Connor Jessup ("Ben Mason") @connorjessup
Maxim Knight ("Matt Mason") @RVRocket
Mpho Koaho ("Anthony") @MphoAK
Sarah Sanguin Carter ("Maragret") is @sanguin_carter
Jessy Schram ("Karen") is @jschramer
Peter Shinkoda ("Dai") is @PeterShinkoda

Falling Skies Creative Team on Twitter:
Mark Verheiden (Co-Executive Producer/Writer) @MarkVerheiden
Melinda Hsu Taylor (Writer) @mhsutaylor

Falling Skies Fans on Twitter:
Falling Skies News is @Falling_Skies_
Falling Skies Cast is @theFallingSkies
Moon Bloodgood Fans is @MoonBloodgood
TV Edge Falling Skies is @FallingSkiesTVE

Jimmy in GA
Call in at (773) 35SKIES
Follow on Twitter @theFallingSkies

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